The intent of this project was to provide Broker/dealers with a product allocation tool that provides clients a Retirement Sustainability Quotient (RSQ). RSQ evaluates how likely a client will be able to sustain a desired income for life for as long as they life
BlueRush created this flash based tool to provide clients portfolio options. Once these options are presented, the user also has the ability to modify any one of 3 inputs to see what effect they might have on a RSQ. Later, a customized PDF report is generated complete with Advisor contact information and the client�s name. The report includes the initial inputs, current RSQ and portfolio options.
This tool is accessible both on Desktop and on iPads and both generate personalized reports for their clients. The iPad version is distributed directly to the broker/dealers by Pacific Life.
The underlying math for this tool is generated by QWeMA�s PRaRI . Interpolation of this data has been done by BlueRush