Baltimore County’s Road Closures application provides the public with critical information on County road closures due to construction, repairs and maintenance, flooding, accidents, weather and other hazards. The application provides citizens with details about each closed road, including street and community name, affected intersections, closure date and the reason for closure. The closure list is responsive and can be filtered by street and community name for quickly finding information on the go. The database is updated regularly through an administrative interface that displays results in real-time. Police can even update directly from their squad cars. GIS integration allows users to view closure overlays on a map. Thirteen distinct icons depict the nature of the road closure at a glance; selecting an individual closure icon brings up full details on the road closure. A number of Baltimore County agencies were tracking road closures in various formats for specific reasons. Road closures correlated, listed, and mapped into one database that the public and the media can access for real time updates. Previously, the media was contacting the Police Department directly for updates. This application has freed Police staff for other tasks since the searchable database allows citizen self-service rather than Police follow-up.