VISIT FLORIDA�s Share a Little Sunshine (SALS) promotion asks Florida residents to invite friends or family to visit Florida, and in turn, residents get entered into a sweepstakes for a Florida vacation. The goal is to excite residents, and their friends and family, about Florida travel and ultimately boost Florida�s economy. In fall 2011, VISIT FLORIDA combined the Share a Little Sunshine Campaign with Florida�s love of college football to create the Florida Fan Game. In addition to being entered to win a Florida College Town Road Trip, users were also competing to win the title of �Florida�s #1 fans.�
To increase the interactivity of the promotion among the college football fan base, a Facebook app was created and added as a tab to the SALS Facebook page to allow users to share an invite with their Facebook friends. Visitors �liked� the page to enter the contest and send invites to their Facebook friends. Once an invite was sent, the sender was entered into the contest, and the recipient received a $25 Southwest Airlines coupon. Facebook integration proved a useful tool in expanding the reach of the SALS campaign. By requesting users to �Like� the page, those who showed interest in SALS and the Florida Fan Game were then in place to receive future updates about VISIT FLORIDA. In the end, over 69,505 user-generated invites were sent through the Florida Fan Game on Facebook.