Solvil et Titus, as one of the famous luxury watch manufacturers in Hong Kong, has created many TVC �classics� since the 1980s. To follow in the footsteps of the heartfelt and hard-hitting success, this Christmas, Solvil et Titus has launched a new TV advert with a romantic story known as �Time Is Love�.
To achieve the greatest word-of-mouth effect, an Integrated Ad Campaign including use of various digital platforms, has brought the TV advert from on-air to online audience. The viral project combined Facebook campaign, Website revamp and online banner advertising - to fill up the broadcasting gap and lengthen the lifecycle of the TVC.
To be in line with the TVC, �Love Contract� Facebook campaign was created to encourage fans to sign their own love contracts, spreading love vows among netizens. The whole idea is to get users involved and engaged into the Story. Within a week, over hundred contracts submitted and attracted over thousand shares, causing an increase of 2500 Facebook fans.
Other than Facebook, the official Website has been updated to maintain consistency with the current TVC and Prints. The eye-catching parallax effect on the Website echoes the theme of �Time is Love�, associating with the brand�s image of love and antiquity. Welcome by the full-screen visual at the landing page, users can watch the full-version TVC and behind-the-scene out of the TV air-time.
for more details, please refer to http://www.digitalcampaignasia.com/pixopunch/titus.html , thanks.