Fertility Ontario is one of Canada�s premiere fertility health clinics. In 2012, they received a mysterious package in the mail containing 6 random cheques totaling $310.
After deeper investigation, it turns out the money had been collected in lieu of flowers at the funeral service of a young woman named Laura. After contacting the family, we learned that Laura had suffered through several painful miscarriages. After finally delivering a baby girl, she passed away due to medical complications. According to her husband, it was her dying wish that donations from her funeral go to a local fertility centre.
Strategy & Goals
In response to this generous act, Fertility Ontario chose to create a program that would select one couple and provide them no-cost fertility treatment.
tbk Creative was hired to execute the online campaign. Goals were:
1. News Coverage � 3 local media references
2. Applications � 30+ applications
Our Actions
We named the program, �Laura�s Wish,� built a branded logo, launched an online microsite, deployed a Facebook ad spend, and deployed PR media outreach.
Since launch, the program was covered by 6 (100% over target) news groups giving the program an estimated 300,000+ earned media impressions (with a total market potential of 500,000), and 78 applications have come in (160% over target).
This April, one lucky couple will be chosen to receive free fertility treatment and a chance to start a family.
News Coverage
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Location: Canada
About the Agency:
Founded in 2010 and with approximately 40 staff members tbk is a marketing and software company that builds some of Canada's highest quality web design, branding, digital marketing and software solutions. With 29 service lines, tbk helps its clients successfully compete in local, regional and global marketplaces.