As the largest natural gas provider in the notoriously earth-loving Pacific Northwest, NW Natural faced a conundrum. Growing hype around a controversial gas production called fracking had eco-conscious customers worried. At the same time, NW Natural doesn't drill for gas, and purchases gas from responsible drilling companies who meet state and federal regulations. With movies like Gasland and Matt Damon's new Promiseland generating buzz in the media, NW Natural knew they couldn't stay silent on the topic.
The company was committed to taking a proactive stance by providing unbiased, fact-driven information to customers. Averse to greenwashing the subject, the client called on us to clearly explain the fracking process, along with the environmental concerns and necessary safety precautions.
Our creative approach was to demystify the "scary" world of fracking, but incorporating real life photography of drills, drill sites, and vehicles � alongside illustrated elements that represent the naturalistic, crafter culture of the Pacific Northwest.
A straightforward, conversational voiceover sets the tone for a frank and honest video � giving NW Natural an engaging way to address customer concerns.