�Consumers who "dwell," or linger on ads, are more likely to convert from lookers into buyers. They not only increase the time spent with the creative piece, but conduct more brand-related searches on engines and continually return to the company's Web site.�
Study by Mediamind, Microsoft Advertising and Comscore.
In November 2012, Brown Harris Stevens LLC, New York�s oldest and largest real estate company, launched a campaign using Search&Display on the New York Times, to allow web users to search and retrieve real time listings completely within the ad unit. Since then the campaigns have achieved unprecedented success in Click Throughs, time spent and brand awareness .
Campaign Objectives
> Allow real time access to Brown Harris Stevens listings WITHOUT leaving the ad unit.
> Search, display and review selected listings based on individual web users search criteria. > Allow web users to browse through each result and click directly to the listing page on the real estate companies web sites for more information, or search again.
> Measure and report the real time performance based on search, click throughs, time spent, placement, preferred listings and IP addresses.
�Not only has Search&Display increased our lead generation by over 400% and increased brand awareness significantly, it has also provided a real time insight into the New York Real Estate buyer and search intent.�.
Jim Cahill, EVP Terra Holdings LLC, New York
President, Inoventiv Corp: | John Marshall |
EVP Terra Holdings LLC: | Jim Cahill |
Director of Technology, Inoventiv Corp: | Clint Boal |
Brown Harris Stevens: | Vincent D'Agostino |
Location: Canada
About the Agency:
Inoventiv's patented format, Search&Display has opened a whole new medium to marketers and is radically changing the way users interact with online advertising using search. The concept is a simple one: Allow users to personalise advertising —make it relevant and want to engage with—when they want to use it, all without interruption and all without ever leaving the page.