As a company that has received a perfect HRC score for each of the past ten years, AT&T has been a genuine supporter of the LGBT community. To help the community celebrate the historical victories of 2013, AT&T created the �Love is Changing History" Project
Leading up to the launch in Gay History Month, AT&T partnered with Lance Bass and Pauley Perrette to each co-direct a short film featuring LGBT characters in light-hearted but emotional stories. Each time one of the films or campaign website was shared online; AT&T donated $1 to The Trevor Project (TTP), the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth. In addition, people were also encouraged to share stories of how �love had changed history� in their own lives. At the conclusion of the campaign, all of the stories were submitted as a collection to be archived at the Library of Congress.
The campaign took off and made history of its own with tweets from many celebrities such as Neil Patrick Harris and George Takei, and ultimately garnered 475 million earned media impressions, 300K visitors to the site, and over $50K donated to TTP.