The Challenge: To provide a value added Education Centre microsite for the client�s group plan members to inform them of general investment information as well as targeted information and strategies specific to an investor�s individual life stage.
The Solution: BlueRush created a comprehensive, visually compelling and highly interactive microsite which revolves around three core investor life stages; �Saving Years�, �Approaching Retirement Years� and �In Retirement Years�. There is a fourth section entitled �Basics of Investing� which applies to all investors. The site includes 28 videos and 15 interactive tools and calculators. Most unique to this site is the ability to customize their experience based on their personal life stage and investment knowledge. Upon entering the site, the user is invited to answer two simple questions (their age, and how they would rate their own investment knowledge). Based on these two questions an interactive timeline appears which identifies the user�s life stage along the investment timeline and suggests a path for them to navigate the site. For example, a knowledgeable investor will receive fewer suggestions from the �Basics of Investing� section and be directed primarily to the content for their personal life stage. The user can also slide their retirement target age as desired and should this impact their life stage the suggested path will update automatically. As the user reviews content it is marked as such and is stored in their browser so they can return at any time to pick-up from where they left off.