The Insurance Sales Ideas newsletter is sent bimonthly to insurance brokers licensed to sell Manulife Financial products. It offers content on plan benefits, helpful sales tips, downloadable PDFs of marketing materials, and feature-type articles that can be shared with their prospects and clients. It is published in English and French.
The objective is to keep Manulife top of mind for these brokers and position ourselves as thought leaders in the insurance industry. By doing so, the brokers become better-equipped to recommend our products, offer value-add services to their end-consumer, and ultimately, sell more of our products.
The Fall 2013 issue of the newsletter featured a lead article on how to sell critical illness insurance to generation X, downloadable sales tools for our critical illness product, a wholesaler tip, company news about a recent creative award, and a shareable story about managing illness.
This issue had the highest unique CTR of the year. The lead article alone had over 300% more views than the previous issue�s lead article.