Verizon Wireless and MRM//McCann�s overall media strategy was to further establish Verizon Wireless as an iconic technology company that enables powerful human outcomes by delivering packaged solutions for Enterprise business needs. In order to achieve this and maintain momentum generated in their 2011 and 2012 campaigns, MRM//McCann partnered with IDG Enterprise to create a consistent presence on its relevant publications. The goal was to effectively reach business and technology decision makers in order to showcase the thought leadership of Verizon Wireless as an innovative business technology solutions provider. Both Verizon Wireless an IDG effectively collaborated to accomplish that goal by creating a series of six interactive ad units called Infotorials that touched upon each of the six critically important topic areas for Verizon Wireless: Dynamic Cloud, Networking, Connected Machines, Mobile Workforce, 4G LTE, and Security. These 300x600 expandable Infotorial units were developed through a combination of research, videos, white papers and infographics that focused on each topic area. Ultimately, IDG Enterprise, in partnership with subject matter experts from Verizon, created topically based Infotorials that leveraged all custom created research and content which ran on targeted and relevant IDG Enterprise branded sites. The success of these units is evident in the monthly reporting. Verizon Wireless received a 21% average interaction rate and has seen above average time spent with the units, doubling the 32 second average across all 6 topics with an average of 60 seconds spent with each topic.