Interlude provided the first-ever interactive video features for Goldfish's sixth animated season of "Finn and Friends." After launching the first of eight episodes on broadcast TV, kids were encouraged to engage interactively with episode two online. With 12 possible paths, kids were invited to play with the episode multiple times and even to vote on their favorite path. At the end of the voting period, the most popular version was determined to be the official linear version for broadcast, with a similar process in place for the remaining seven episodes. Each episode utilizes Interlude�s interactive video technology, which operates in a multi-branch, multi-layered, tree-structured style. In "Finn and Friends," viewers have several opportunities throughout the video to play an active role in determining Finn�s story, resulting in a different experience each time and encouraging viewers to replay the video multiple times. Interlude was chosen because its interactive video technology is the only one of its kind to deliver a completely seamless viewing experience as viewers navigate through alternative stories. In addition, kids have had so much fun with the interactive videos that each episode averages six to seven views per unique visitor, keeping the season�s engagement rates above 85 percent.
Interlude: | Yoni Bloch, CEO and co-founder |
Y&R: | Stephen Hersh, Creative Director |
Y&R: | Eric Glickman, Creative Director |
Y&R: | Kelly Considine, Group Account Director |
Y&R: | Salima Millott, Content Producer |
Geometry Global: | Aleksey Vaynshteyn, Associate Creative Director |
Geometry Global: | Brad Bates, Senior Copywriter |
Geometry Global: | Heather Kovall, Group Production Manager |
Interlude: | Therese Moriarty, Project Manager |
Interlude: | Alon Benari, VP Creative & Innovation |
Location: USA
About the Agency:
Interlude is a digital media company that designs, develops and markets interactive video technology.