WD and PETROL had a very simple goal with this holiday video:
"Show the humanity behind the WD Brand and the people that work so closely with it."
The second goal: "To make a piece that makes you cry and smile at the same time".
The WD team wanted to tell a story of the importance, from an emotional point of view, about storage… It's not simply "data." In this case it's about the My Passport drive being a young boy's gift to his grandpa, who can no longer travel, and how it literally brings the WD team to his door.
Creatively, the idea developed as a scenario that is completely plausible and the secondary message is the product. PETROL developed the look and feel to be warm and giving to match the sentiment that the grandchild has for his Grandfather.
Strategically, using the REAL WD staff was inspired by the WD team wanting to show their genuine love and passion for the BRAND and what it represents. This strategy is something that will be threaded throughout many more WD initiatives in the future--where it's about the people, not exclusively the product.