Banking industry has bad reputation in Turkey. ING Bank Turkey’s intention is to provide honest banking service and present banking and finance sectors are also likeable. Such intention leaded to a new instant support account on Twitter. Name of this account is Orange Support and its aim is providing information to anyone on anything about ING Bank. Orange Support is different than its counterparts as it listens not only customers but everyone who talks about banking and finance. Orange Support was announced with a launch video. In this video, ING Bank Turkey’s Headquarters were decorated with posters which displayed tweets about banking from real Twitter users. The reason behind this was to underline that ING Bank Turkey listen to them continuously in order to help them with their banking problems. From this account, we are following social media 24/7 and answering questions about ING, banking, and finance. Questions were answered readily and even our executive vice presidents answered some questions with videos. Our launch video had more than 3 million impressions and 15 thousand views in first day.95% of the feedbacks were positive.