Robberies can have a devastating effect on bank employees, and knowing how to respond under duress is key to staying safe. It can also help to reduce bank loses and discourage repeat robberies. However, dealing effectively in a stressful situation requires constant review and repetition so that actions are instinctual, and unfortunately, this kind of training is rarely a priority for bank staff. That’s why Robbery Aware was created. The program was developed and branded by BlueRush to create an awareness and urgency around the need to be prepared. It uses realistic dramatizations to underscore the importance of being prepared and to illustrate proper procedures should a robbery happen. As a result, the bank is seeing a significant uptake in the level of preparedness among employees.
The budget for this undertaking was relatively small, and all of the on-camera performers, as well as the narrators, were non-professional bank staff. Despite these factors the resulting video achieved a level of realism and effectiveness such that competitors are attempting to emulate it.