Managing Cancer at Work was created by BlueRush in partnership with Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The program, which focuses exclusively on cancer as it relates to the workplace, consists of a web portal with distinctive sites geared to the needs of employees who have had a cancer diagnosis, and their managers. This past fall, BlueRush created a series of short video vignettes to illustrate the profound effect the site has had on those fortunate enough to have this resource available to them. As you will see from Joselyn’s Survivor Video, employees can benefit from information on the site, as well as the guidance and support from one-on-one interactions with specialized nurse navigators associated with the program. Managers can also benefit from this program by getting access to information that will help them keep valuable employees engaged while they undergo treatment. This, in turn, allows employees to continue earning a living at a time when they need the income and diversion the most.
This video, along with others, will be used to market the Managing Cancer at Work program to corporations with significant employee populations in the hope that they will licence it and provide it as a value added benefit to employees, and as a productivity aid to managers.