“From Farm to Pumpkin Beer” aims to show Elysian Brewing’s role in Seattle’s culture and beer scene, and how its pumpkin beer becomes a vital element of the annual Great Big Pumpkin Beer Festival, by following its journey from farm to brewery.
The Weather Channel is the perfect partner for Elysian as weather plays a big role in the production of pumpkin beer. As the feature depicts, weather affects the journey of spent grains and the cycle from the brewery to feed to compost to pumpkin. As Elysian co-founder Dave Buhler also says in the video, weather plays a big role in how Seattleites entertain themselves and get together, and beer is a big part of this.
Two-month flight results:
Page views: 110,545
Visits: 104,030
Unique Visitors: 97,192
Average Time on Site: 4.69 minutes
Video Plays: 10,885
Location: USA
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