Infinite Perspectives features stories of innovation and invention from Ryerson University’s Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS). A tool for outreach to prospective students, employers, research partners, media and donors, our goals for the site are threefold: to encourage enrollment, engagement and philanthropy.
Boldly colourful, the visual appeal of this responsive site is crucial, both for its use during in-person presentations and its shareability on social media. Interactive elements live on every page, including a spinning block—a signature Ryerson design element—that mirrors the movements of a user’s mouse.
The site is organized into six categories. The user can select any category to begin—from “The Future of Professions” to “Cities as Systems.” The content in each category is framed by a question. For example, “Can the end of professions teach us the future of leadership?” and “How can architecture measurably improve the lives of the people who use it?” The questions are designed to entice the user to scroll down and discover the answers in our mix of engaging content. Multimedia-rich, the content includes quotes from current and former students, as well as editorial copy, illustrations, portrait-style photography, and mini documentaries showcasing exciting FEAS projects in areas such as Artificial Intelligence and energy efficiency.
While the infotainment value is high and the design is sleek, Infinite Perspectives is a success because of the message that all these elements continuously reinforce: that FEAS is training tomorrow’s engineers and architects to solve the world’s most pressing problems.