Content marketing & SEO activities contributed to increase sales of financial products of NN TFI by 25%.
This achievement was the result of our content marketing campaign called „FINANCES AFTER HOURS“ covering blogging, search engine optimization (SEO) and influencer marketing. Campaign was addressed to young people (25-35 years old).
Educational content created by NN TFI and published on company's blog reached over 30,000 new users during the year. The messages were focused on promoting additional investment services as a way to secure financial future. During that time, SEO activities to company website draw about 15,000 new users monthly. Furthermore, during that year we encouraged 40 influencers to write articles about investing to educate young people struggling with their personal finances and financial independence in retirement.
All our actions brought 25% more investment accounts registered by users visiting NN Investments Partners website from Google search results‘pages in comparison to previous year.