Hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities are a huge draw for the city and constitute a significant part of the overall revenue generated in the city, making this a critical effort for the community.
The "Outdoor" audience is typically male, 35 - 60 years old with a household income of $80k. They take two to three trips per year and represent a mix of both new and experienced hunters.
Interactive, "Gamification" ad units were created to attract this audience (pheasant hunters in particular) to Pierre, South Dakota for the 2017 hunting season.
Location: United States
About the Agency:
It all began with a card table and some moxie…
At Lawrence & Schiller, we’re creative problem solvers, tackling everything from marketing and branding problems to business and strategy. Our team takes a smarter approach using insights, audience intel and more to develop all-encompassing, award-winning campaigns that drive growth.
Every day we strive to over-deliver when we might be underestimated. And because of that, we’re fearless and future-focused, landing on more strategic solutions that buck trends and build leaders. L&S promises to outthink, outdo, outsmart, outperform – and ultimately drive outstanding results for clients to outpace the competition.
We don’t still have that card table from our founding day in 1976. But rest assured, the moxie’s all there.