We’re all intrigued by “smart homes,” but how easy is it to actually live in one? Amazon partnered with true[X] to spread awareness of the wide range of capabilities and ease of use of its Echo products. Together, they created an immersive ad experience where users could try out Alexa voice commands in a virtual living room. It was the first-ever voice-activated desktop advertisement as well as Amazon Echo’s first interactive advertising campaign.
This summer 2018 campaign allowed content viewers on true[X]’s premium publisher partners -- including Fox, ABC, and Viacom -- to eliminate regular commercial breaks by spending a minimum of 30 seconds interacting with the Echo ad. Set in a living room powered by Echo, users can explore the device’s many household functions by using voice commands to ask “Alexa” to “find comedies” on their connected TVs, “set the mood” to dim the lights, or activate the Roomba to clean the floor. The message is clear: A smart home powered by Echo will streamline your life.
This functionality and creativity paid off. The engagement drove significant purchase intent of the Amazon Echo. Users spent an average of 57 seconds interacting with the unit at a rate of 3.1 interactions per user. The voice-controlled interactivity created a more personalized experience that transformed Echo from a gadget of the future to the necessary tool of today.