Angle Media Group was commissioned by ParticipACTION to create a video that would bring awareness to Canada’s physical activity and nutritional guidelines via their animated series, UPnGO. UPnGO is a platform sold to companies looking to invest in the health and wellness of their workforce as a means of decreasing healthcare costs and absenteeism. Using this video, ParticipACTION advertises the UPnGO wellness program which can be implemented in the workplace and at home. The video advertises the many program benefits, financial gain to the employer and health welfare of its subscribers.
Following the success of this introductory video, we created 13 other videos targeting certain market demographics that educated and inspired employers to buy the UPnGO program at work. It also educated employees on how to make positive health choices in their lives, inspiring them to take charge of their health and feel better. By including scientific research in its campaign, ParticipACTION not only solidified its credibility as an authority in the wellness space, it also boosted program sales and overall health awareness among its viewers and program users.