Hypothyroidism is a nuanced condition. There are a number of variables that go into managing it effectively and several misconceptions around treating it. Because many HCPs believe hypothyroidism is easy to manage, they treat it as if on autopilot. As a result, patients don’t fully understand how even small differences in the way they take their medication can affect their hormone levels, and thus, how they feel. So, we created a multitouch-point campaign directly addressing the myths and knowledge gaps that keep patients from effectively treating their hypothyroidism.
As a part of the campaign, we created an “explanimation”—or animated whiteboard—video. With engaging graphics and accessible, nonscientific language, we broke down the condition of hypothyroidism and explained the MOA of Synthroid in a way patients could easily understand. But most importantly, we effectively drove home our main message—that by starting and staying on Synthroid, and taking it correctly and consistently, you can keep your hormone levels right where they need to be.