Perfetti searched extensively for a team that could capture their vision: a high-impact, sharp gaming unit that utilized their raw creative assets while also being able to showcase the master brand within the different Airheads products under the same campaign message and execution. The only team that could pull it off was Undertone, thanks to their unique blend of proprietary technology and creative expertise.
To draw in a Gen Z audience, the Undertone team built gaming units in which the user tries to catch the delicious variety of Airheads products in their mouths. A social extension on Snapchat made this campaign truly cross-platform. Highly engaged viewers served as the retargeted audience for Snapchat, a unit in which users could “Swipe Up to Play More” on a unique microsite.
All game versions were played more than 67K times, one in five of which were played to completion. While engagement was strong, fans could only catch more bites if they interacted with the ad again. So that fans could play the games whenever they wanted, the Airheads team looked to house the units outside of the original campaign. To support this, Undertone built a unique microsite, an added value that only Undertone could provide to the Havas/Perfetti team. Like the ad units, the microsite has been a big hit and will remain on the Airheads site for at least the next year.