To keep clients updated on their projects’ progress, CBG sends quarterly emails with an animated gif of the past three months of construction. Beneath the gif is a button that takes recipients to a private link of a time lapse of their project. Spanning just 45 seconds, the time lapse videos give clients a quick overview of the past three months and capture the speed at which CBG and its subcontractors work. The emails appear to be sent from the project executives so that clients can directly reply to the project team with any questions or concerns. Finally, the emails contain links to CBG’s social media pages and website so clients can see what else CBG is building.
The emails have been positively received. With 136 emails sent in the past 29 months, there have been no unsubscribes and even kudos from clients; Scott Hawley, the managing director at Kaplan Residential, said, “This is great! Thanks for sending!” The emails average an open rate of 49.88 percent, with 173 unique opens and 1,954 total opens.