Millennials are all grown up now, and Generation Z’s going off to college. But while this generation has grown up with mobile devices practically implanted in their hands -- 98% of Gen Z Americans own a smartphone, according to GlobalWebIndex -- the transition to college may be the first time they’ve made the decision to pick out a laptop computer on their own. That’s why Best Buy wanted to make sure these next-gen buyers know that they have all the devices to get them prepped for the next phase of their lives.
Best Buy partnered with true[X] to build a unique back-to-school advertising campaign that would help the retail leader reach Gen Z where they spend the most time consuming video content -- on streaming platforms. Together they assembled a “choose your own adventure” interactive experience where users could follow a day in the life of basketball-loving Instagram influencer BDot, making decisions like whether he should head to the courts or play with his dog. All the while, BDot is equipped with his trusty Google Chromebook from Best Buy.
This ad was both technologically groundbreaking and a hit. On desktop, users spent an average of 58 seconds with it -- nearly double the 30 second minimum. And on connected TV, the experience (which led to a 27% increase in purchase intent) was first-to-market with its “choose your own adventure” branching logic. Gen-Z is choosy about its tech… but Best Buy knows just how to get them engaged.