The University of Guam (UOG) is the island's Land Grant institution and is the only U.S. accredited regional university in the Western Pacific primarily serving Guam and all of Micronesia.
"Para Hulo'" – which means "ever upward" in CHamoru, the native language of Guam – defines the spirit of the University of Guam (UOG) and its direction over the next five years.
Launched in February 2020, the university's Para Hulo' Strategic Plan is not only a roadmap for UOG to reach its goals and maximize its potential, it's also a promise to the its students and employees as well as the community at large that the university exists to serve.
A website was needed that could provide stakeholders with a clear picture of the university's direction and, therefore, take personal ownership of the plan's initiatives. To do so, the website also needed to motivate, excite, and create buy-in from all parties needed to carry out the plan.
The UOG Marketing and Communications and Web Development teams collaborated to create in one week's time a clean, eye-catching, and easily navigable website that is also highly informative. The Para Hulo’ website ultimately gave the university’s strategic plan an identity and a home.