To give their customers a helpful heads-up *before* they run out of ink, technology company HP, Inc. provides a highly-personalized series of reminder emails. HP printers monitor ink levels and trigger an alert when any cartridge is running low – automatically sending a notification to the HP customer that it’s time to stock up.
The series uses various data points to customize messaging on both email and programmatic display. All printer images are personalized to the customer’s printer model as well as ink cartridge type. Also, design elements are personalized to reflect the color that is running low. The URL for call-to-action buttons is also personalized to take customers to the specific cartridge they need. If the customer is out of multiple colors, they receive details for ordering multiple cartridge colors that are running low.
For their Low on Ink series, HP incorporated playful animated GIFs and messaging to enhance customer experience and provide a needed service for consumers. The campaign generated email engagement rates that were in line with the company’s average and drove high conversion rates between 30% - 40% across email and programmatic display ads.