Our Portfolio Insight tool empowers financial advisors by arming them with a simple tool to create model portfolios. With this tool, they can create custom portfolios to meet their clients’ unique needs. Crucially, the tool can generate reports that analyze everything from risk/return characteristics to holdings overlap, providing advisors with invaluable insight that they can then share with their clients. In 2023, we enhanced Portfolio Insight’s advanced features to make it more intuitive for users while simultaneously expanding its business-building potential.
Here are a few highlights of our new Portfolio Insight tool:
• Enhanced reports—streamlined summary reports for single portfolios and comparisons
• Bulk ticker upload functionality—advisors can now add dozens of funds to their portfolios simultaneously
• Improved digital interface—allows for real-time performance updates; no more waiting for a generated report to review portfolio performance
• Portfolios at your fingertips—easy access to previously saved portfolios and comparisons. Advisors can also save a portfolio as a draft and revisit later. The autosave feature also ensures that nothing gets lost
• Share with your team—advisors can now share editable portfolios with their colleagues
We launched an integrated advertising campaign last year (August–December) to promote Portfolio Insight to financial advisors. The campaign leveraged LinkedIn sponsored posts, display ads, and sponsored emails with our media partners.
Result highlights:
• Portfolio Insight received 43,000 visits in 2023
• More than 9,000 portfolios were built using the tool
• Advisor usage increased 127% year over year
• Generated more than 490 sales leads