On the Internet, everything is free: news, e-mail, music and video download… Everything, but the toilet. Thanks to ING, this oversight has now been rectified. You need to go to the smallest room while surfing on the web? Just visit I Need To Go (www.i-needtogo.com). Gents or ladies, whatever your business, I Need To Go is always free. And on the way out, Pauline is waiting for you with a little suprise…
3 channels have been used to ignite the fire:
- Public relation campaign through an informal e-mail sent to media
- Buzz in the blogosphere with the “I need to go” widget that lets you put the toilet on your own blog.
- Highly targeted display ad campaign with Adhese, a Belgian online sales house specializing in the blogosphere.
- More than 280 blogs have already talked about this campaign (Technorati report date : 29/01/08)
- 40.000 unique visitors in 15 days.
- Press coverage in Contagious, Media Post and Belgian newspapers (Le Soir, L’Echo, De Standaard, De Morgen…).