Aspect Software was looking for a way to balance their leadership position in traditional voice call centers with the onset of Voice-over IP (VoIP) – and mega-brand newcomers encroaching on their territory. We helped them differentiate by positioning them around the business issues their VoIP solutions address (namely, a means to take advantage of the power shift from companies to consumers), rather than touting the features and benefits of their technology.
The Advertising Message:
Aspect grabs the attention of executives and makes the call center relevant to them. The consumer’s voice is represented by ‘graffiti’ that de-faces pre-recorded messages from the call center – screaming listen to me and forcing executives to think about what they’re doing to deliver a better customer experience. Engagement levels far exceeded industry averages.
The landing page puts the onus on companies to prove to customers that they care; it invites them to see what third-party industry experts like McKinsey and Forrester Research say about how they can deliver a better customer experience.