Pepe Antojo and Lupita Enojo splashed into the Hispanic market via over-the-top TV spots for SNICKERS® from the Cultura agency in Miami. was engaged to create a non-traditional, multi-media campaign for SNICKERS® that revolved around these crazy characters. The result was dubbed “Antojo con Enojo: Road to Fame” and traces the duo’s past, present and future as they battle for fame – and enjoy their fair share of SNICKERS® bars.
Incorporating exclusive video, free downloadable music and ring tones, wallpapers and an old school web ring with a dubious alliance of supporters, the campaign truly captures the grassroots feel that speaks to our target. Like Sonny and Cher, or Britney and K-Fed, their tempestuous relationship plays out in full view of the public, providing a rich (and ridiculous) experience that demands exploration and goes well beyond a basic site experience.
P.S. – Help us get Pepe and Lupita on the cover of TVyNovelas magazine by voting at