The WaMu Friendly Banner takes banner ads to a different level by breathing ‘life’ into what we all know as the ‘traditional banner ad’. Friendly Banner adopts the WaMu mantra of “Simpler Banking and More Smiles” and other core brand personas (un-bank like, friendly, casual, straightforward, simple and thoughtfulness) and translates that to the user in the online space. Friendly politely introduces himself and usually addresses the person he’s talking to directly, as though in a one-to-one conversation. He knows he’s interrupting the user, and tries to do so respectfully. Friendly stays on message – everything he says is directly tied to the WaMu product or feature he is about to present – and communicates it simply, clearly, and with humor. Friendly also uses “body language” to communicate his friendliness, popping on to your screen and landing, bowing and lifting.