Cross Alert Systems was your standard start up organization struggling to build a market from scratch. They had made some progress using traditional marketing and sales methods, spending $100,000-$200,000 per year in the print ads alone. This was good for branding but ineffective at generating immediate lead action or an immediate response.
Not only did they have the challenge of building a market from scratch, they were also selling to a very fragmented target audience, which ranged from city planners, to transportation departments, to golf courses, to parks departments, to neighborhood planners, etc..
Cross Alert needed to address three fundamental issues as a company. One, they needed to create exposure for themselves and make people aware that there is a problem and that they had the solution. Second, they needed to create understanding about their products and solutions. And third, they needed a marketing tool that would be “viral” and could easily be passed around in order to reach a variety of decision makers in their fragmented markets.
The focus needed to be on educating a large number of prospects, letting them know there was a problem, encouraging them to take action now, or at the very least forward the information onto an associate who would benefit from knowing about Cross Alert.