Emakina agency to present a major technological breaktrough with the official release of LiveSite Technology. This new revolution means a new leap forward in user-generated content and will change the face of the Internet forever.
Over the last ten years, building a website has been the exclusive business of techie-techie specialists: developers, web designers, web architects etc. With LiveSite, all you need is a computer and a webcam. Just shoot your website with a camera and see the magic of interactivity in action (WYSIWYG approach: What You Shoot Is What You Get).
Invented by Emakina’s research labs, LiveSite Technology paves the way to a new explosion of online creativity and marks the birth of Web 3.0, a new Web without any technological hurdle, a Web by the people and for the people.
ING bank is the first company who selected the LiveSite Technology solution to promote its ING Lion Deposit account at 4%. Check it out, it’s absolutely amazing.