Friskies consumers are highly involved with their cats. They love them like they love their own children. When it comes to their cats, they want it all: taste, nutrition and variety. They believe that cats are highly sensory beings. Sensory stimulation awakens a cat's natural curiosity, leading them to explore and discover; and satisfying that sense of exploration and discovery is essential to giving their cat a fuller, richer life. They believe their cats are living life to the fullest when their physiological senses are sparked and engaged. These consumers want to know what their cat is seeing and experiencing when her senses are stimulated.
This website is designed to engage consumers fully with the brand, enticing them to act: to join the explorers club, to tell a friend, to create a sensory work of art (Friskies Pix), download content, to comment on a blog post, or explore the cat's senses; and where possible to do so in a multi-sensory way. The Explorers club and the website are inextricably intertwined: a portion of all content is publicly available on the website, but only club members can access the wealth of exclusive content and functionality.