Nationwide engaged Real Time Content to help them increase ad awareness on the Nationwide website and on 3rd party websites. Additional metrics were set to increase user’s time spent on Nationwide site pages and generate increased purchase intent through personalization of existing video assets. Nationwide was also keen to explore the effects of personalized video on perceived brand value.
In collaboration with Nationwide, RTC developed a personalized video ad to be deployed on the Nationwide homepage and 3rd party sites. The ad utilized existing video content and allowed users to specify key areas of adaptation, including ad time.
The adaptive video campaign quadrupled click-thru rates for product offerings versus traditional video campaigns online. The campaign provided nearly 2,000,000 impressions and delivered more than a 100,000 personalized video adverts.
The first campaign of its kind in the world, visitors to Nationwide’s homepage saw one of three possible advertisements: traditional, standard video or personalized video. The latter uses RTC’s technology, which allows users to view more than 16,000 different versions. As a result, Nationwide achieved a significant increase in online applications and sales.
* 100% increase in sales
* 2.4x click through rates vs. animation or video
* 13% of those interacting went on to click
* 48% higher recall rate
* 6x ROI
* Payback period: 1 week
* 8m impressions