Cartoon Network and DreamWorks Home Entertainment joined forces to create a custom promotion that would get viewers excited about the most ginormous DVD release this year- Monsters vs Aliens!
The promotion brought kids up close and personal with everyone’s favorite aliens, especially the lovable B.O.B., while providing access to some out-of-this-world bonus features and games from the monster hit.
• Cartoon Network created a Monsters vs Aliens DVD custom branded online environment that featured:
• “Monsterbook” Digital Activity:
- Cartoon Network created Facebook-type pages for all five favorite monster characters
- The pages featured clips that teased the DVD’s bonus content
- Each characters’ page had applications like “top friends,” “message wall,” etc.
- Paramount Home Entertainment was able to host two games from the
theatrical release (‘Create a Monster’ and ‘Gallaxhar Invades’)
• Monsters vs Aliens DVD artwork and on-shelves messaging
• Link to the official website