** Competitive Sportbike Riders **
The Goal was to appeal to the Rider’s sense of adventure and ability to check out Buell’s latest bikes. So even if they already own a bike, why not go in and check out what Buell has to offer. Therefore, we wanted to position this as an opportunity for Riders to checkout the latest and greatest bikes that Buell had to offer.
We also wanted to entice competive riders with the allure of being able to ride a Buell, particularly the 1125CR. Therefore, we want to appeal to their desire to be able to ride a bike, they maybe would like to own, but possibly can’t afford or don’t feel they are ready to make that kind of investment. Therefore, we the goal was appeal to their wants and desires, in that we are giving them a no risk opportunity to checkout a cutting edge bike, and in the process giving them a “Guirilla Gear Lock” for doing so.