To create positive buzz in the digital media community about Louisiana as a strategic place to do business, Louisiana Economic Development recently launched a multi-channel, creative campaign centered on the state’s digital media incentive. The campaign's objectives are to a) create national awareness of Louisiana among C-level executives, b) create positive buzz about Louisiana as a business destination and c) most specifically, create awareness of Louisiana’s strong digital media incentive in the digital media community. The campaign’s target is C-level executives or decision makers of digital media companies in the industry's focus sectors: simulation, next generation of interactive content and gaming. The target skews younger and hipper than traditional CEO's, whose primary media consumption is online. Web sites, such as, were selected based on the relevant digital media content it provides, as well as to reach out to the interactive community in their own environment. The campaign uses code as a creative element to show the audience, in a subtle and smart way, that Louisiana “speaks their language.