Kimberly-Clark (K-C) decided it was time to break through the outdated feminine care category and help stop all the weirdness about periods.
Digital was at the core of U by Kotex* and influenced the creative, strategy and execution of the campaign. We used the medium to break down taboos, provide education and incite real conversations on vaginal health care using the authentic voice of its target demographic. In addition, we created a humorous social experiment video titled “Help Me Choose,” which showcases the confusion surrounding feminine care products as a hidden camera follows a “boyfriend” who is trying to make a knowledgeable decision about what tampons to buy his girlfriend. The viral video is hosted for easy sharing on YouTube, on our site and, more importantly, on social media platforms.
We created these social experiments as real world test of society’s comfort levels with periods and to shine a light on outdated norms so we can change the conversation. We shifted Kotex* from an age-old brand into one that’s made for young women, not their mothers.
Since the U by Kotex* campaign launched, it has realized the following results as of November 10, 2010:
• The website has experienced over 2.3 million visits with more than 1.2 million sample requests
• The sample conversion rate remains steady at 40% and there have been over 25,500 tweets about Kotex
• Over 86,500 Kotex discussions have taken place in the social space with over 100 million impressions through various channels