The Business Objective
CI Investments was looking to create a series of videos, and a microsite, to support the launch of product enhancements to the Sunwise Elite group of products. The target audience for the corporate videos are advisors, investors and potential and existing clientele.
CI Investments met with BlueRush Digital Media in May, 2010 and is looking for our expertise in Financial Services and in video production to shoot, edit and produce these corporate videos.
The key objectives of this project are:
Position CI Investments as a thought leader and partner of choice for advisors and investors
Support CI Investments’ corporate reputation and image
The Solution
BlueRush recommended a series of videos that introduce the product enhancements to the viewer and explain -- with case studies -- the benefits of the SunWise Elite group of products. We also suggested creating a new microsite that would house both the videos and other online and printed content for the SunWise Elite group of products. The result was a dynamic and engaging rich-media site that takes full advantage of the Adobe Flash’s multimedia capabilities.