CHALLENGE: FamilyLife Canada was presenting an extremely expensive marriage conference for $258 which year after year was dropping attendance from 500 to only 100 registrations. It was important to save the conference.
MARKETING SOLUTION: Help FamilyLife Canada leverage their existing databases, affiliations and social media networks to reach the best prospects. Plus create an incentive program to encourage attendees to bring friends, neighbors and church members.
EXECUTION: Create a fully integrated campaign including email, targeted landing pages, direct mail and social media. The campaign began with a 5-part email series to inform and persuade prospects to register for the conference. Three versions of each email were tailored to target 3 specific groups of prospects:
1. Previous conference attendees
2. Fans of the guest speaker/entertainment
3. Married or engaged couples not familiar with the organization or the conference
The emails directed recipients to a corresponding landing page.
RESULTS: In all, more than 950 people attended the conference increasing participation by more than 533%.