The 2010 U.S. Trust brand campaign�entitled �What Is Worth?�utilized traditional print as well as online banner and rich media ad concepts. The campaign�s key message illustrated that Wealth and Worth aren�t synonymous. Worth is about values, ideals and work ethics as much as it is about dollars and cents. U.S. Trust not only understands and celebrates that distinction, but we also apply our intellectual resources and financial acumen toward helping manage � and enhance � worth in its many forms for all our clients. All advertising directed readers to a dedicated page on the U.S. Trust website. ( where they could read our latest insights and perspectives and contact an advisor. The campaign targets high net worth individuals and COIs aiming to build brand awareness and recognition in national, regional and local markets by integrating print and online advertising with public relations and U.S. Trust-sponsored events. The goal is to reinforce how U.S. Trust manages our clients� �Worth� by providing a greater breadth and depth of service and understanding than the competition. From wealth structuring to investment management, this campaign speaks to U.S. Trust's commitment to our clients best interests by providing insights, solutions and expertise that have a worth all their own.