Horace Mann caters to a very niche market, providing insurance to teachers. Looking for a way to give back and connect with their customers, an idea was born to provide much needed funding for classroom projects via DonorsChoose.org, an online charity. Acsys Interactive connected with Horace Mann and DonorsChoose.org to develop a Facebook promotional campaign, titled �The Classroom Project�. With the goal of contributing $50,000 to classroom projects, we asked Horace Mann customers to like them on Facebook to participate. Acsys Interactive created a forum on Facebook where Horace Mann customers could submit their DonorsChoose.org projects for consideration. As of the contest end on November 16, 2011, Horace Mann had funded over $51,000 for 147 different classroom projects that impacted over 12,500 students. Funding everything from textbooks, to Nook eReaders, to school supplies and flip video camcorders, Horace Mann was able to connect with their customers in a heartfelt and meaningful way, by supporting projects they were passionate about. Take a look at the comments posted on their Facebook page for details: http://www.facebook.com/HoraceMannInsurance?sk=app_151803391576728.