The secondary ticket market is one into which people enter knowing they�re going to pay a premium. They don�t care � they want good seats to events that matter to them and they�re willing to pony up the cash. In short, it�s a market for real fans. And no real fan wants to spend his or her hard-earned money on a ticket to an event which he or she�s been anxiously awaiting only to have it be a scam.
That�s why TicketsNow exists: to deliver real tickets to real fans; to ensure the excitement that permeates our daily lives has the opportunity to be unleashed at our favorite events.
So how do we show that?
We highlight the extent to which people go in demonstrating their fandom. What crazy things do they do to their homes, their offices, even their kids? We acknowledge that there exists a class of people for whom not getting into their favorite events is not an option. We show real fans, and we use an iron-clad Ticketmaster validation system to prove to them that they�re getting real tickets from TicketsNow.
Because real fans deserve real tickets.