With its primary audience�youths and young adults�spending increasing amounts of time on mobile devices, MelloYello.com needed to be redesigned in order to deliver a mobile-friendly experience. Whereas the previous website relied heavily on Flash, the redesigned site was built using a responsive approach to web design.
Predesign research conducted by BFG Communications through the various Mello Yello social media properties revealed that the most frequent questions from consumers were related to an inability to easily find retailers and restaurants that offered Mello Yello. The new MelloYello.com incorporates a mobile-friendly product locator, a key element for an on-the-go, on demand target audience. This new tool lets fans find both Mello Yello and Mello Yello Zero by entering their zip code or city.
Further design considerations for the new MelloYello.com included bringing to life the playful personality of the iconic brand and creating an engaging experience for the community of passionate Mello Yello loyalists. The result is a new MelloYello.com that pays homage to the brand�s colorful history, incorporates the ongoing social media conversations involving the Mello Yello brand, and gives fans the ability to make the brand their own with features like Build-a-Robot and downloadable Facebook cover photos, avatars, door hangers, and wallpaper.