Create online buzz about Ralph Lauren�s third Olympic outfitting by engaging fans on the brand�s digital platforms.
Allow anyone with a camera to join the fanfare. To do this, the Conde Nast Marketing Solutions team created one venue to cheer athletes on from: the Facebook tab of the official Team USA outfitter. And because almost half of all Facebook traffic comes from mobile devices, which do not display tabs, the tech team�s recommendation to also create a mobile site was critical. The likegate featured a custom video of 10 sponsored athletes and recently uploaded fan photos. Once encouraged fans �Liked� the iconic fashion brand, they were prompted to layer a personalized motivational message onto any photo in their Facebook album, desktop folder or webcam shot. Submitting a photo also automatically created a new album in a user�s Facebook profile featuring a Ralph Lauren logo and message. All fan photos lived in a gallery, sorted by sport or location, and shop the Olympic collection. Because the American athletes rely on public gifts to pay for their training, Ralph Lauren not only donated $1 for each fan photo up to $25,000, but also proceeds from their limited-time Olympic merchandise. The entire application was shareable via Facebook and Twitter, and the social app was picked up by industry bigwigs like AllFacebook and Mashable, helping drive buzz of the patriotic campaign.