Today�s homeowners actively research home improvement options online. Based on market research, LP Building Products offers the combination of performance, distribution and expertise consumers want � but the brand�s online presence was fragmented and targeted primarily at trade professionals. Research confirmed that, unlike the trade, consumers search based on projects rather than products. So LP and hfa set out to create a separate, centralized web presence that would be relevant to consumers.
The new LP consumer website ( launched in May of 2012, providing consumers with well-organized content to inspire, educate and help them realize their home improvement dreams. Features include a project planner and how-to content, an inspirational image gallery organized by project, and directories to help the user find LP products in a store or find a certified contractor to buy and install LP products for them.
The website has already won the �Best Home Building Website� award in the Web Marketing Association�s (WMA) 2012 International WebAward Competition, and it continues to improve. An exterior siding visualization tool called the �Design Planner� has been built and is scheduled to launch on the site in January of 2013. This new feature will allow users to preview products on a sample house or on an uploaded photo of their own home.